No Images? Click here Boris Johnson’s prorogation of parliament was “unlawful”, judges at the appeal court in Edinburgh have ruled.The prime minister is now facing demands he recall the Commons.Deputy Labour leader Tom Watson has called on Jeremy Corbyn to commit to holding a Brexit referendum before any snap election.In a major intervention that risks reigniting the party’s internal strife over the issue, Watson will use a keynote speech on Wednesday to warn of the dangers of a ‘single issue’ general election dominated by Europe.The Conservative party has become a “politically religious sect” under Boris Johnson with “Brexit as the one only god” and Dominic Cummings as its “archbishop” leading an “inquisition”, a top donor has said.Alexander Temerko, who has given more than £1m to the Tories, told HuffPost UK it was “absolutely crucial” for the party to shift back towards the centre if it wanted to be successful.International students will be able to stay in the UK after graduating under a new two-year post-study work visa, the government has said.The changes – which are due to come into effect for students starting courses in 2020/21 – will help those studying in Britain to start their careers in the UK, Boris Johnson said.The Archbishop of Canterbury has personally apologised for the 1919 massacre of hundreds of people by troops under British command 100 years ago.Welby prostrated himself at the memorial to the Jallianwala Bagh killings in the north-west city of Amritsar during a visit on Tuesday.As a nation, we’re pretty pants at talking about anything deemed remotely gross – whether that’s pooing, periods or bleeding from our bums. Instead, we suffer in silence in the hope it’ll sort itself out. And, like all the times Brits adopt a stiff upper lip about their issues, this could lead to dangerous territory.It’s thought as many as one in five people will see blood after having a poo. While it may just be the sign of a minor issue like an anal fissure (or cut) or haemorrhoids (piles), it could also flag something far more serious – such as bowel cancer or inflammatory bowel disease.We are living through extraordinary times. Business as usual is no longer a phrase used in Westminster.For three years, that nation has watched in frustration at the attempts to secure the Brexit vote. For parliamentarians this must be one of the most testing periods of their political careers. However, frustrations aside, it’s absolutely imperative that Brexit is delivered legally.Innocence is a trait that defines childhood. It is what allows them to be open, creative, optimistic, and beautifully naive.My son is no exception. His curiosity, combined with his lack of filter, have made for some funny moments – and a few awkward situations too. One particular occasion I found myself distressed and in tears... after he drew a picture.I left the bar in a crowd of my male friends, all of us chatting about where to go next. As we rounded the corner, we saw a group of teenage boys of similar age to ourselves, decked out in tracksuit bottoms and baseball caps. Several of them began shouting at my group, throwing the standard insults of teenage male posturing. As the group parted, one of them spotted me.“Hang on a minute. One of them’s a girl!” he shouted. There was a silence. My friend Ross, who was walking next to me, turned in confusion. He looked around.New to this email? You can sign up here.©2019 Oath (UK) | Midcity Place, 71, High Holborn, London WC1V 6EA |